Thursday, October 31, 2019

Case study analysis for The Garden of Freshness (from logistics point

Analysis for The Garden of Freshness (from logistics point of view) - Case Study Example However, recent instances of customers complaining of stock-outs of specific fruits and vegetables and lack of fresh products have caught the attention of management and the owners of this family business. Garden of Freshness was established as a fruits, grocery, deli and bakery company with special attention on quality and availability of fresh products every time. Very soon the company opened up two more stores with 120 employees currently working for it. While the supplies department is looked after by Marc Pineault, the administration is in the hands of his brother- Sylvain Pineault. There are managers for each store who directly report to the supervisor and every store has two kinds of employees- production employees for logistics functions of loading and unloading the trucks and frontline employees to assist and advice the customers. Currently, Marc Pineault is facing serious nightmares on the issue of shortage of perishable products every afternoon and also the quality proposition which is their unique selling proposition. Most of the vegetables and other products do not remain fresh after the second partial delivery is made to the stores, thereby leaving the customers dissatisfied. Going through the facts of the case reveal the following issues and challenges: Superficially, the issues faced by Marc Pineault seem of operational level but an in-depth analysis of the entire scenario reveals some major strategic loopholes. Shortcomings in the strategic and operational planning of Garden of Freshness are: Strategically, the business has expanded but arrangements to sustain the growth have not been accounted for. The selection of suppliers is the biggest loophole which is damaging the logistics of the business. Every evening the purchasers visit the Central market and every single supplier to assess the price and quality. This is in fact very time consuming and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sexual harrassament at work Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sexual harrassament at work - Research Proposal Example Different countries in various regions of the world have their own interpretation of sexual harassment and what it entails or qualifies to be defined as such. European countries gravitate towards widening the definition criteria to encompass a wide range of aspects like health and safety perspective, discrimination and dignity perspective. There is a need to develop and establish an all-encompassing moral and ethical framework to address, guide and deal with the factors contributing to sexual harassment and/or discrimination in the work place. The creation of a moral and ethical framework to combat sexual harassment in the work place should be conducted under consideration of the underlying factors and issues that create opportunities for sexual harassment to take place. This is in the sense that there exist moral and ethical attitudes in society that promote and/or encourage discrimination based on sex to occur (Boland, 2005). The formulation of an ethical and moral framework to tackle sexual harassment should include other factors like the subordination of women in the work place, and gender disparity (Roa, 2007). Human resource departments and managers should formulate and establish applicable workplace frameworks that address all discrimination manifestations. This will work towards eliminating all contributing factors that predispose individuals to discrimination of any

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Elderly Sexual Activity And Health Health And Social Care Essay

Elderly Sexual Activity And Health Health And Social Care Essay As Lindau et al. (2003) point out, sexuality involves the forming of a partnership and pertains to the behaviors, attitudes, function and activity of sexually active individuals. Sexual activity has been associated with health (Addis, Van Den Eeden and Wassel-Fyr, 2006; Laumann, Nicolosi and Glasser, 2005), and ailment and disease might significantly impair sexual health (Schover, 2000). Elderly people are recipients of a wide array of devices and medications which aim at treating problems of a sexual nature. While the demand for services and medication pertaining to sexual health is increasing, nevertheless not much is known about the sexual behavior of adults over 65 years of age. In the developed countries, the chronological age of 65 years old is largely accepted as a cut-off point for classification of a person as older or elderly. While common definitions of the third age such as this are indeed practically utilized, there exists no general consensus as to the point in time when one actually becomes old. Usually, the time in life when one becomes eligible for a pension is adopted as indicative of old age. The United Nations do not use a standardized criterion, but nevertheless agrees to 60+ years as referring to the elderly (WHO, 2010). A definition of ageing is provided by Gorman (2000): ageing is a highly predetermined biological process which eludes human control. At the same time, ageing is defined in a constructivist world, where different societies assign different meanings to old age. Chronological age is seen as most important in developed countries. The age between 60 and 65 is taken to signify the onset of old age. By contrast, in many developing countries, age by years bears little relationship to the definition of old age. In such countries, the meaning of old age may depend instead on the roles that are been assigned to older people, or even on the loss of previously-held roles, which may come as a result of natural physical decline. In sum, while the developed world defines old age in a manner highly chronological, the same is often not true for developing countries, where people start to be perceived as elderly when their active role involvement is no longer possible (Gorman, 2000). According to a definition by the World Health Organization (2001), sexuality is a natural part of human development through every phase of life and includes physical, psychological, and social components (p. 13). Another definition of sexuality provided by Rheaume and Mitty (2008) states that sexuality is a core dimension of life that incorporates notions, beliefs, facts, fantasies, rituals, attitudes, values, and rights with regard to gender identity and role, sexual acts and orientation, and aspects of pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction and involves biological, psychological, social, economic, religious, spiritual and cultural components (p. 342). Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 2001, p. 8). In turn, sexual health implies a positive approach to human sexuality and is therefore an essential component of reproductive health. It includes the integration of somatic, emotional, intellectual, and social aspects of an individual in ways which positively enrich and enhance personality, communication, love and human relationships (p. 13). Sexual health, not unlike physical health, is viewed as a state of well-being where there is an expectation of pleasurable experiences without the intrusion of negative feelings such as shame, fear, pressure or violence. In keeping with this definition, Calamidas (1997) suggests that home or assisted-living nurses can play a crucial role in the quality of elderly peoples life through helping them attain and preserve a positive outlook toward the expression of their individual sexuality. Historically, a large proportion of todays elderly people grew up and lived during a time when social norms were both conservative and gender-biased. Broadly speaking, sexual intercourse was considered as a pleasurable experience primarily for the men while women were thereby expected to sexually satisfy their husbands and to make babies (Hajjar and Kamel, 2003). People that today are over 70 years old may have actually missed the sexual revolution of the 1960s in the context and social conditions under which it took place, since they were already married and engrossed in their work and family life. This interesting analysis by Hajjar and Kamel (2003) proceeds to argue that the challenges to intimacy and sexuality faced by that age group may be partly due to the adoption of a rather conservative set of values and beliefs about sexuality, a limited availability and access to knowledge on sexuality, and a lack of feeling comfortable with their sexuality. Rheaume and Mitty (2008) suggest that nowadays the traditional stereotypes regarding ageing, intimacy and sexuality are being reexamined; that is, the point of view is promoted that a desire for intimacy and for sexual contact does not have to cease at any point during the lifetime. Knowledge on the sexual activity of the elderly people however is far from complete, especially within a cross-cultural context as well as with reference to educational and financial status. In this light, the generalizability of research findings in this area is rather hindered. Oftentimes, this means that health professionals may be left somewhat in the dark concerning the wants and needs of older adults as to their sexuality (Rheaume and Mitty, 2008, p. 342). Sexuality of the Elderly The National Social Life, Health and Aging Project (NSHAP) has taken up the task of gathering data on the sexual activity, behaviors and problems of elderly people (Lindau et al., 2007). The findings of the national American sample of NSHAP show that while sexual activity tends to decrease with age, most older adults continue to enjoy intimate marital or other relationships, as well as consider their sexuality an important aspect of life. The majority of individuals aged 57 to 85 years old, and approximately one in three of individuals aged between 75 85 years old were active sexually. Even in their 80s or 90s, the elderly may practice sex and/or masturbation (Lindau et al., 2007). There is evidence to suggest that some men and women retain their sexual desire and partnership during the whole of their life (Addis et al., 2006; AARP, 1999; Nicolosi, Laumann and Glasser, 2004; Bacon et al., 2003). Some of these studies however have relied on relatively small sample sizes, and have utilized non-random sampling methods. Taking into consideration the above criticisms, Lindau et al.s (2007) study examined the occurrence of sexual activity in sexually active participants and did not find significantly decrease with old age. At the same time, the levels of reported sexual activity in respondents between 60 and 74 years old were comparable to the levels reported by adults from 18 to 59 years old, in a wide US survey (Laumann et al., 1994). Adults aged 65 years and over can retain an active and satisfying sexual life throughout their years (WHO, 2002). Frequent sexual activity is commonly reported after middle age (Janus and Janus, 2003). In the survey of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP, 1999) including 1384 elderly individuals, although sexual activity was reported as being pleasurable, no overarching agreement was reached as to the importance of sex toward maintaining a good relationship. The research by AARP (1999) also found that old adults who have partners tend to feel that a fulfilling sexual relationship is important, as opposed to old adults with no partners. Men older than 75 were more likely to have a spouse or partner and appeared to hold more favorable attitudes or more interest towards sex than did women of the same age. Men, whether they had a partner or not, reported a higher frequency of thoughts, feelings and fantasies related to sex than generally did women. Steinke et al.s (2008) research with healthy elderly people reported that the lesser health restrictions of the elderly helped them to retain their sexual activity throughout the course of their lives. Women in their third age usually demonstrate a larger diminution of sexual activity with time than do same-aged men (Lindau et al., 2007). According to the results of a multinational survey of persons 40 to 80 years of age (Laumann, Paik and Glasser, 2006), women tend to think of sex as a less important facet of life than do men, and they also tend to report more absence of pleasure from it. The determination of the dynamics that are involved in sexual satisfaction are of particular importance here (Carpenter, Nathanson and Kim, 2009). Henderson-King and Veroff (1994) and Sprecher (2002) have found that sexual satisfaction enhances the individuals well-being, while it promotes the stability of a marriage and of other personal relationships. A better knowledge of the factors that promote and lessen sexual satisfaction may help in the development of better-suited clinical and policy interventions against sexual problems (Bancroft, 2002). As populations age, a sound understanding of sexual activity in elderly people is becoming more and more relevant; people now enjoy longer and healthier lives, attitudes toward sexuality are being transformed and the importance of a fulfilling sexual life toward the attainment of personal happiness is being recognized (Seidman, 1991; Calasanti Slevin, 2001). Quality of life A number of authors have suggested that doctors and policy-makers are becoming more and more aware of the importance of human sexuality for health and for good quality of life across the life span (Lindau et al., 2007; Satcher, 2001; WHO, 2002). In his description of the cross-cultural study of the World Health Organization, Quality of Life/Older Adults (including such topics as autonomy, activity, functionality, intimacy, relationships, socialization, death, and dying, Robinson (2007) states that sexuality, health status and personal relationships were all significantly related to quality of life. Many studies have found that sexual activity bears a significant relationship to longevity and positive health outcomes (Palmore, 1982; Davey Smith, Frankel and Yarnell, 1997; Onder et al., 2003). Sexual problems Since the beginning of the 21st century new and considerable attention has been paid to the sexuality of the elderly as a result of the creation of drugs that treat erectile dysfunction. Male erectile dysfunction, if treated effectively, can prolong the active sex life of the elderly of both genders throughout life (Lindau, 2010). As Cambois, Robine and Hayward (2001) point out, in many countries sexual problems comprise a major issue for elderly people; in the United States, approximately one in two 57 to 85 year olds who are sexually active report that they have at least one sexual predicament, and one in three mention at least two such afflictions. Accordingly, the majority of the elderly people in Lindau et al.s (2007) study did report pestering problems of a sexual nature, and approximately one in four sexually active elderly participants of both genders refrained from sexual intercourse as a result of a sexual problem subject to therapeutic intervention. During the transition to old age, changes in physiology can impair the sexual responsiveness of elderly women and men, while they may affect, either negatively or positively, their sexual function (Bachmann and Leiblum, 2004; Rosen et al., 2005). Different aspects of sexuality had been found to have a negative correlation with poor health and age (Laumann et al., 2005; Schover, 2000; Laumann, Paik and Rosen, 1999; Camacho and Reyes-Ortiz, 2005). Isselbacher et al. (1994) and Rosen et al. (2005) state that problems of a sexual nature may act as precursors or as epiphenomena to significant infections or diseases such as diabetes or cancer. Sexual problems that go unnoticed and/or untreated may lead to or co-occur with depression and social withdrawal (Nicolosi et al., 2004; Morley and Tariq, 2003, Araujo et al., 1998). Medication prescribed to the elderly may have an adverse effect on sexual life (Finger, Lund and Slagle, 1997); even medication which treats sexual problems may have adv erse health effects (Lindau et al., 2006; Gott, Hinchliff and Galena, 2004). Steinke et al. (2008) also found that elderly participants who were not active sexually showed a worsening of sexual self-concept, self-efficacy, and satisfaction. In Konstam, Moser and De Jongs (2005) research, a heightened self-efficacy was demonstrated to improve on both sexual function and emotional functioning, not excluding depression. Health and sexuality Lindau et al.s (2007) study found sexual activity to be positively related to the physical health of the elderly, particularly in elderly men. In general, healthy individuals of all ages were more likely to engage in marital or other intimate relationships and to be more sexually active. Furthermore, physical health was found to be related to different facets of sexual function, as well as sexual problems, regardless of age; similar findings have been reported by other researchers (Laumann et al., 1999; Bacon et al., 2003). It is advisable then that, when specific conditions apply, elderly people who have health problems or who are to receive treatment which may influence their sexual functioning may need to be evaluated based on their health status instead of their age (Laumann et al., 2005). In a representative national analysis, Lindau (2010) assessed the relationship between sexuality, as measured per sexual activity and quality of sex life, and global self-reported physical health in mature and elderly adults. Lindau (2010) found that especially for older women, self-rated health was closely related to having a partner. Overall, participants who were of very good or excellent physical health were about 1.7 times more likely to show an interest in sex than did participants of less than good health. As Lindau (2010) puts it, when compared to women, men tend to spend significantly more of their life being sexually active but, at the same time, miss out on significantly more years of sexual activity as a consequence of less than good health. This strong relationship between mens health and expected duration of a sexually active life may be partly attributable to chronic diseases but also to treatment received for erectile dysfunction (Westlake et al., 1999; Solomon, Man and Jackson, 2003; Burke et al., 2007). The United Nations (2007) have proposed that in the developed and developing nations, a projection of peoples sexual activity as they become older can be useful in predicting health needs and resources, sexual function-related services, the recovery from sexual dysfunction due to illness, as well as the treatment for commonly occurring health conditions in the third age. At the same time, the wish to prolong the duration of their sexual life can modify older peoples important health behaviors; mature adults may for example quit smoking or take their medication more seriously if they expect that their action will promote a lengthy and fulfilling sexual life (United Nations, 2007). ΒΠ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ²ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ³Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬  ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¯ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± Addis IB, Van Den Eeden SK, Wassel-Fyr CL, et al. Sexual activity and function in middle-aged and older women. Obstet Gynecol 2006;107:755-64. American Association of Retired Persons. Modern maturity. Sexuality study. Washington DC: AARP; 1999. Araujo AB, Durante R, Feldman HA, Goldstein I, McKinlay JB. The relationship between depressive symptoms and male erectile dysfunction: cross-sectional results from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. Psychosom Med 1998;60:458-65. Araujo AB, Mohr BA, McKinlay JB. Changes in sexual function in middle-aged and older men: longitudinal data from the Massachusetts Male Aging Study. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004;52:1502-9. Bachmann GA, Leiblum SR. The impact of hormones on menopausal sexuality: a literature review. Menopause 2004; 11:120-30. Bacon CG, Mittleman MA, Kawachi I, Giovannucci E, Glassser DB, Rimm EB. Sexual function in men older than 50 years of age: results from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Ann Intern Med 2003;139:161-8. Bancroft, J. (2002). The medicalization of female sexual dysfunction: The need for caution. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 31, 451-455. Burke JP, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, Nehra A, Roberts RO, Girman CJ, et al. Diabetes and sexual dysfunction: results from the Olmsted County study of urinary symptoms and health status among men. J Urol 2007;177:1438-42. Calamidas EG. Promoting health sexuality among older adults: educational challenges for health professionals. J Sex Educ Ther 1997;22:45-9. Calasanti, T. M., Slevin, K. F. (2001). Gender, social inequalities, and aging. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press. Camacho ME, Reyes-Ortiz CA. Sexual dysfunction in the elderly: age or disease? Int J Impot Res 2005;17:Suppl 1:S52-S56. Cambois E, Robine JM, Hayward MD. Social inequalities in disability-free life expectancy in the French male population, 1980-1991. Demography 2001;38:513-24. Davey Smith G, Frankel S, Yarnell J. Sex and death: are they related? Findings from the Caerphilly Cohort Study. BMJ 1997;315:1641-4. Finger WW, Lund M, Slagle MA. Medications that may contribute to sexual disorders: a guide to assessment and treatment in family practice. J Fam Pract 1997; 44:33-43. Gorman M. Development and the rights of older people. In: Randel J, et al., eds. The ageing and development report: poverty, independence and the worlds older people. London, Earthscan Publications Ltd.,1999:3-21. Gott M, Hinchliff S, Galena E. General practitioner attitudes to discussing sexual health issues with older people. Soc Sci Med 2004;58:2093-103. Hajjar RR, Kamel HK. Sexuality in the nursing home, part 1: attitudes and barriers to sexual expression. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2003;4:152-6. Henderson-King, D. H., Veroff, J. (1994). Sexual satisfaction and marital well-being in the first years of marriage. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 11, 509-534. Isselbacher KJ, Martin JB, Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Wilson JD, Kasper DL, eds. Harrisons principles of internal medicine. 13th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994:262. Janus SC, Janus CL. The Janus report on sexual behavior. 1993. Cited in M. Wallace. Sexuality and aging in longterm care. Ann Long-Term Care 2003;11:53-9. Konstam V, Moser D, De Jong M. Depression and anxiety in heart failure. J Card Fail 2005;11:455-63. Laumann EO, Gagnon JH, Michael RT, Michaels S. The social organization of sexuality: sexual practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994:88. Laumann EO, Nicolosi A, Glasser DB, et al. Sexual problems among women and men aged 40-80 y: prevalence and correlates identified in the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. Int J Impot Res 2005;17:39-57. Laumann EO, Paik A, Glasser DB, et al. A cross-national study of subjective sexual well-being among older women and men: findings from the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. Arch Sex Behav 2006;35:145-61. Laumann EO, Paik A, Rosen RC. Sexual dysfunction in the United States: prevalence and predictors. JAMA 1999;281: 537-44. Carpenter LM, Nathanson ÃŽ-CA, Kim YJ. Physical Women, Emotional Men: Gender and Sexual Satisfaction in Midlife. Arch Sex Behav (2009) 38:87-107. Lindau, S.T. (2010). 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Friday, October 25, 2019

Cystic Fibrosis Essays -- essays research papers

Cystic Fibrosis is a disorder where the exocrine glands secrete abnormally thick mucus, leading to obstruction of the pancreas and chronic infections of the lungs, which usually cause death in childhood or early adulthood. Some mildly affected patients may survive longer. Doctors can diagnose the disease by testing the patients perspiration because people with Cystic Fibrosis have high amounts of salt in their perspiration. Those with respiratory infections are treated with antibiotics, with aerosols that relieve constriction of the airways and liquefy the thick mucus, and by physical therapy to help patients cough up the obstructing secretions. Patients with pancreatic insufficiency can take pancreatic enzymes with meals. Intestinal obstruction, which occurs primarily in infancy (meconium ileus), may require surgery. The liver may also be seriously affected by Cystic Fibrosis. No cure for the disease has yet been found. Cystic fibrosis is the most common inherited fatal disease of Caucasians, occurring about once in every 2500 births. If both parents carry the gene responsible for the disease, they have a one-in-four chance of having an affected child. In 1989, the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis was identified on chromosome 7 (out of 23 chromosomes). Since that time more than 200 different mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene have been described, and tests have been developed to detect the most common alterations. These tests can identify unaffected carriers of the disorder. Sickle-Cell Anemia Sickle-Cell Anemia, also called sickle-cell disease, is a hereditary condition where hemoglobin, an oxygen-carrying protein in the blood, is altered, leading to periodic interruptions in blood circulation. All over the world. the disease is found predominantly in blacks, of whom approximately 1 in 400 are affected; it mainly occurs in the US, in the Middle East and the Mediterranean area. Symptoms of the condition appear at about six months of age and may include enlargement of the abdomen and heart and painful swelling of the hands and feet. In adolescence, sexual maturation may be delayed. The disturbances in blood flow associated with the disease also dispose affected persons to infections and leg ulcers. These symptoms are due to the altered hemoglobin, which changes shape when the amount of oxygen in the b... ...vum having 24 chromosomes by a sperm with a normal assortment of 23, but they have also found that the sperm can carry the extra chromosome as well. The abnormal ovum or sperm is derived from a germ cell in which the pair of 21st chromosomes holds together and passes into the same sperm or ovum instead of separating. In the type of Down syndrome called translocation, the extra chromosome 21 material is attached to one of the other chromosomes; when some, but not all, of the body's cells carry an extra chromosome 21, the condition is a type of Down syndrome called mosaicism. Down syndrome is not yet responsive to medical treatment, but better medical care of the accompanying disorders and infections now results in an almost normal life span instead of the previous life expectancy of about 14 years. The severely retarded may still be institutionalized, but many Down syndrome children are raised at home, where their full potential can be developed. Although, with an average mental age of about eight years, they continue to need a protective environment, many adults with Down syndrome work in sheltered workshops; some hold regular jobs in business and industry.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Graduate Employability Essay

When we say Graduate Employability, the first thought that comes to mind is the definition of employability. Various definitions have been written, and rewritten. They are all correct, but not quite complete. Reason being, the perspectives on employability are dynamic, while the norms in education run according to the knowledge curriculum, which may also be dynamic in most cases, but runs on a pre set pattern- one cannot jump the queue. Often, there has been a gap between discipline based skills acquired during higher education, and generic skills which are increasingly regarded as an essential input for employability. This gives rise to this perennial debate about graduate employability and reveals issues in higher education. As David Hind and Stewart Moss (in their book, Employability Skills, published in early 2005) seem to suggest. – written, verbal, communication, presentation skills etc enhance the employability of an individual or graduate looking for a job. Having skills and putting them to work is the starting point of employability- by how much an individual succeeds in this effort determines his level of achievement. Employability is an ongoing process- and it does not begin or end with a graduate getting his first job. Britain has been in the forefront of this ongoing debate. While skills and knowledge have been the twin constituents of employability always, it remains to be decided which one is the critical attribute and what is the optimum mix. Professor Mantz Yorke takes the view that employability is complex and goes well beyond the notion of key skills- it takes into account a mix of personal qualities and beliefs, understandings, skilful practices and the ability to reflect productively on experience (Learning and Employability Series, the study on â€Å"Employability in Higher Education- what is and what is not†) Then we come to the issues in higher education impacting graduate employability. Higher Education Funding Council for England conducted a study on graduate employability way back in 2003 and found that work experience during courses appears to be a highly positive influence on employability. The reason is simple- while on the job, the student gets an opportunity to use his academic knowledge in realtime scenario- that too under close supervision and tutorial guidance. The ownership is high because the results are linked to the students performance. The intrapersonal skill sets are fine tuned and behavioural skills are further honed to provide the student with tools to accomplish a given task or project. When later, as a graduate he or she looks for employment , there is far more clarity on the demands of the job and his/her ability to match up- so wrong decisions are averted. It results in well matched expectations from both sides- the employer and the employee. Competencies being different for different job roles, it just gets that much much simpler to know what one is good at, and what one should be looking for. Another point highlighted in the study by HEFCE says that employer involvement in course design and delivery is positively associated with the quality of initial employment found by graduates. This way, the employers expectations are stated explicitly, and the curriculum tweaked to accommodate the expectations. Sufficient to say, that while there is already a whole lot being done at the graduation level, to turn out complete, capable and well balanced individuals, more can be done to enhance employability. The times are changing, so are the needs and expectations of students and Corporates. The efficacy of a sound education system gets established if the alumni are successful in their calling. This focussed group discussion is meant to establish the relationship between schooling and education. As Mark Twain said, so long ago- â€Å"don’t let your schooling interfere with your education†. We are all familiar with Robin Hood!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How far does Macbeth deserve the title “Butcher”? Essay

When deciding whether or not Macbeth is deserving of the title â€Å"butcher† it is a hard decision. There were many contributions by other characters which influenced Macbeth’s actions: such as Duncan crowning Malcolm as his successor and giving the title Thane of Cawdor to Macbeth making in which the last one was a traitor: Banquo who kept his suspicions to himself; and Macbeth and Donalbain who fled. Lady Macbeth was the one who encouraged Macbeth to kill Duncan, giving him the confidence and courage to do the deed. The witch’s’ gave Macbeth the idea in the first place that he was to become king with their prophesies. The order in which I will analyse the characters which contributed to Macbeth’s actions, are the least influential characters to the most influential characters. I must also take into consideration the time period in which Macbeth lived in to make my decision whether Macbeth deserves the title â€Å"butcher†. During the time period in which Shakespeare set Macbeth, society in the 11th Century was very different from what it is today. The society in which Macbeth had lived in was very brutal, revolving around violence, as shown by Shakespeare in his play as executions would be a form torture. Little boys in that time period wanted to be seen as great warriors such as Macbeth, but in order to be one you would have to kill many men in battle. In the time period Macbeth lived in the more men you killed the more honored you became and Shakespeare shows the audience this by making Macbeth being seen as a great warrior during his time due to all the men he’d â€Å"slain† in the battlefield. When Shakespeare wrote the play he had to please James I, who was king at the time as he was his royal play right. Throughout his play he had to convey messages to the audience that James I would approve of. Such a message occurs during the beginning of the play, as the â€Å"disloyal traitor† Macdonald the Thane of Cawdor is killed and the title is then given to Macbeth. The divine right of Kings was very important during Shakespeare’s time period. Society in the 16th Century believed that the whole universe had an order in was decided by God. The King, was believed to be chosen by God, and so any action against the King would be an action against God. Anything unnatural was against this divine order, such as evil, in which society heavily believed in at the time. Shakespeare relates his play to what was happening at the time, as there were many threats to the monarchy such as foreign invaders. At the beginning of the play there is an invasion from the â€Å"Norweyan lord† against Scotland. Not only were there plots by foreign invaders but also insider within the country, such an example is looking back at history during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. During Queen Elizabeths reign, her half sister Mary Queen of Scots plotted to get rid of her. This is seen in the play as Macbeth plots against King Duncan. It was believed that if any harm was brought to the king it would anger God: â€Å"Thou seest the heavens, as troubled with man’s act, threatens his bloody stage† and the portrayer would be punished by god himself. In the play everything is brought back into place, as normal order is back in place as the thrown goes to the rightful heir Malcolm. It was a message to the audience at the time not to plot against the king as the consequences would fall upon you. The society in which Macbeth lived in also believed in God. They believed that if there was good there had to be evil known as Satan who rebelled directly against God and was responsible through witch’s and evil spirits for all attacks on the divine order. Through history during the time society was increasingly preoccupied with witchcraft. Laws came into order so that anyone who was suspected of witchcraft could be executed. At that time Shakespeare wrote the play the people were of a very superstitious culture as James I published a book on â€Å"Demonology† in 1597. Shakespeare relates his play to society at the time as he incorporates three witch’s that are â€Å"So withered, and so wild in their attire,† as they were sources of the supernatural. Throughout the play of ‘Macbeth’ Shakespeare relates his play to what was going on at the time. By using this play as a source of evidence and my own knowledge I am able to conclude that they lived in a very harsh and brutal society where innocent people weren’t put on trial but hanged by accusations. In the time period we live in today, Macbeth’s action would make him a butcher, yet in the context of the time period Macbeth was living in, I think he would be more acceptable in the community due to the harsh realities of life they lived in. I must also take into consideration the actions of the other characters, which influence Macbeth to become a â€Å"butcher† even though they might have unwillingly contributed towards Macbeth’s actions. Such a character is Duncan who had given Macbeth the title â€Å"The Thane of Cawdor† after the previous one was a â€Å"disloyal traitor†. The title ultimately makes Macbeth the most powerful thane. To a certain extent, Duncan is to blame due to naming the heir to the throne as Malcolm, even after all the loyalty and bravery Macbeth expressed towards the king. What furthered Mabeth’s slaughterous actions is fact that Malcolm, Donalbain and Macduff â€Å"fled† from the â€Å"tyrants rule† as they betrayed Macbeth by building an army to fight against him. The character that could have stopped Macbeth from the start was Banquo, as he’s suspicious that Macbeth â€Å"play’dst mosy foully for’t† yet he thinks abou t the witch’s prophesies and what it’d hold for his future, in which he would be the â€Å"root and father of many kings† so he keeps his suspicions to himself. Lady Macbeth had a strong influence over Macbeth in his decision to kill the king. Macbeth contemplates over whether or not to kill the king yet his final decision is that he’ll â€Å"proceed no further in this business† unlike Lady Macbeth who decides to kill the king: â€Å"The raven himself is hoarse that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements† after reading the letter written from her husband. Yet Lady Macbeth believes Macbeth is too kind to kill the king as he is â€Å"too full o’th’ milk of human kindness† in order to fulfill his ambition in becoming king. She is determined for her husband to become the future king of Scotland as when the couple meet, Lady Macbeth speaks her mind and persuades her husband into doing what she thinks will benefit them the most. Lady Macbeth encourages him with comments such as â€Å"so much more the man† if he becomes the king. Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband as she convinces him to do the deed to prove his love for her, as she says she’d be willing to do anything for Macbeth by saying: â€Å"I would†¦have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out.† At first Macbeth doesn’t want to kill the king as he’s been â€Å"honoured† lately by the King with the title Thane of Cawdor but Lady Macbeth’s skill works as Macbeth is â€Å"settled† to do the â€Å"terrible feat† which ultimately is to kill the king. It is Lady Macbeth, who plans and organizes the murder, as she is impatient and wants the â€Å"future in the instant†. Without Lady Macbeth’s meticulous planning Macbeth may have never been able to go and kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth herself is the one that that calls upon supernatural spirits (â€Å"Come you spirits†) in order to become like a man, and fulfill the dreadful deed, which would take place. Yet Lady Macbeth contradicts herself as she can’t kill the king herself as Duncan resembles the face of her â€Å"father†. What furthers Macbeth’s murderous thoughts is the fact that when Macbeth didn’t want to kill Duncan she called him a â€Å"coward† and so Macbeth now wants to impress his wife when she finds out his great plans which leads to more killing. The second biggest thing that Lady Macbeth does which contributes to Macbeth becoming a butcher is the fact she is very deceitful. When the King arrives she plays the role of a humble hostess welcoming Duncan with many compliments, and offering â€Å"All their service† to him. It leads Duncan to believe nothing is wrong as he’s not suspicious of what a dark realm he is entering. Lady Macbeth is the one who makes sure the procedure of the plan is precise as she goes over it with Macbeth. She knows Macbeth must not show his guilt and so tells him â€Å"look like th’ innocent flower, but be serpent under’t†. Once Macbeth has killed the King he feels â€Å"sorry† and feels guilty about what he’d done, which is a contrast to how Lady Macbeth is feeling, as she tells Macbeth off for such a â€Å"foolish thought†. Lady Macbeth mocks her husband for being such a coward and to get over it, as he’s weak, feeble and overcome by the grief that shadows him. After the murder of King Duncan has taken place, Lady Macbeth is the one that takes charge and is in control as she knows that they must cover up their crime and blame it on others. Such an instance is when Lady Macbeth goes to sort things out as she says: â€Å"Give me the daggers† as she then goes off to â€Å"†¦smear the sleeply grooms with blood†. Once everything is in place Lady Macbeth once again orders Macbeth to retire back to their chamber in order to look innocent as â€Å"a little water clears us of this deed† which is ironic as she then does this as she goes crazy. A minor crime which Lady Macbeth committed, which may have contributed to Macbeth becoming a butcher is before Macbeth kills the king is when Lady Macbeth prepares to get the King’s guards drunk. Lady Macbeth sneakily served excessive amounts of alcohol to the kings guard â€Å"which hath made them drunk†. It served to put the King’s guards to sleep as they no longer had a watchful eye in order to protect Duncan from the dreadful deed that would have to take place in front of them without them knowing. Not only that but also when the lords find Duncan no longer lives and they announce the dreadful news, Lady Macbeth plays the role of a good actress as she pretends she doesn’t know a thing: â€Å"Woe, alas! What, in our house?† When the lords question Macbeth about the murder of king Duncan, Lady Macbeth suddenly faints. Whether this faint was on purpose or not, it diverts all the attention that was on Macbeth onto Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth’s plan worked well, as there is no suspicion that has fallen upon them, for the death of King Duncan has fallen upon others, such as the guards. The three â€Å"hags† are a representation of trouble and evil, being â€Å"withered† and â€Å"wild† in their attire. They influenced Macbeth in the process of becoming a butcher with their prophecies. Before Macbeth even knows anything about the witch’s, they plan â€Å"to meet with Macbeth† to try tempt him with their riddles and use him as a tool towards the destruction of the natural world order. They knew Macbeth’s weakness, unlike Banquo who is good and could resist the witch’s prophecies. They are malicious and crude in their nature and seek to cause chaos, mischief and misery in the world because they see evil as good, and good as evil â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair†. Whenever the witch’s are present they bring along their omens of evil such as thunder, lightning and rain. Just before the witch’s are about to meet Macbeth a witch chants † A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come†. This is very portentous and a warning that bad things are to come. The witch’s tell Macbeth about his future with their prophecies. Once they have spoken their riddles Macbeth is desperate to know more about his future as he becomes intrigued by what he has been told: â€Å"Stay you imperfect speaker, tell me more.† Macbeth doesn’t think what he is told by the witch’s is true but wants to believe that it is. The first prophecies the witch’s predicted which Macbeth did not know of yet is that he would become the Thane of Cawdor. Ironically, after the witch’s had told him this he was then given the title that the witch’s had foreseen. The second prophecies the witch’s tell Macbeth may have greatly influenced Macbeth in his future actions in becoming a butcher. The second prophecy claims that Macbeth would become King. As â€Å"two truths are told† with what the witch’s told him being Thane of Glamis and now Thane of Cawdor, it made Macbeth believe that he â€Å"shalt be king hereafter!† The witch’s have framed Macbeth into a state of mind that this is a â€Å"happy prologue† and that his power can only grow from Thane of Cawdor. The prophecy gets Macbeth to think of a â€Å"horrid image doth unfix my hair† that he may have to take action of his own, in order to secure his own future in becoming king. Then on a second thought Macbeth thinks that if the prophecy is true it will happen without him having to interfere as he thinks: â€Å"chance may crown me without my stir†. The influence of the witch’s prophecies has changed Macbeth in his line of thought, as all he wants to do now is contemplate and discuss with Banquo the witch’s prophecies. It triggers Macbeth to get Lady Macbeth involved as he’s fascinated by what he thinks is good fortune, which ultimately leads him working for the evil causing pain and havoc which is exactly as the witch’s wanted. Macbeth was a puppet used by the witch’s, which he naively was unable to see. Since seeing the witch’s, Macbeth changes from a â€Å"noble man† to a â€Å"tyrant† due to trying to accomplish the prophecy that he wants so very much. After Macbeth killed Duncan there is a reversal of the normal order as a â€Å"falcon† was â€Å"hawked at, and killed† by a â€Å"mousing owl†. The events that occurred are very ominous as it is a dark day. Everything has been affected by Macbeth’s actions, therefore it has turned the world â €Å"wild in nature† as it has been disrupted. God shows his anger as the one he chose as the ruler of Scotland is now dead. This is exactly the way the witch’s wanted it to be. A minor crime by which the witch’s influence Macbeth into becoming a butcher is when they decide to trick Macbeth by using apparitions. Hecate herself blames the witch’s for the starting of chaos in Scotland: â€Å"To trade and traffic with Macbeth, in riddles and affairs of death†. This proves Macbeth can’t be fully held responsible. They cast a spell where there is a great influence of evil supernatural powers, changing the way Macbeth thinks and sees things. The witch’s trick Macbeth as they deliberately allow him to think that he’s learning the truth from a superior power when it’s all a faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade. Part of Hecate’s plan is that the sprites will confuse Macbeth so much he’ll make mistakes: â€Å"strength of their illusion, shall draw him on to his confusion.† The witch’s suggest who he should be careful of, such a case being Macduff â€Å"Beware the Thane of Fife† suggesting to Macbeth that he should eliminate anyone that may cause him any harm. Part of the witch’s trick is to make Macbeth feel invincible by using the apparitions that tell Macbeth â€Å"none of woman born shall harm Macbeth† and that he would be safe for his entire life as â€Å"Macbeth shall never vanquished be†. The consequences of Macbeth meeting with the witch’s make him become unaware of the trick that being played on him as he is happy and re-assured with the news, becoming over beamingly confident with his reign. The witch’s have corrupted Macbeth by using spells for him to do bad, as he is now greedy wanting more, such as passing the crown down to his descendants rather than Banquo’s. The witch’s purposely infuriate Macbeth to make him behave rationally as they taunt him. Hecate planned to make Macbeth more of a butcher than he really is â€Å"he shall†¦scorn death†. The witch’s molded Macbeth into a butcher by using his weaknesses. Concerning how far Macbeth deserves the title â€Å"butcher† much of time Macbeth’s actions were influenced by a certain individuals such as Lady Macbeth and the three witch’s. Such a case is when Macbeth killed King Duncan. To a certain extent, those certain individuals cannot be blamed and Macbeth must be held responsible. Macbeth didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to, such as killing Duncan. When the witch’s told Macbeth of the second prophecy they never mentioned the fact that he should actually go and kill King Duncan. Yet like Lady Macbeth he became impatient to know about the future. Lady Macbeth isn’t the only one that can be labeled deceitful as Macbeth told Duncan his only role is to be loyal towards him and â€Å"towards your love and honour†. Macbeth had the â€Å"absolute trust† and respect of the king, as he had fought brutally in the war like a warrior killing many of Duncan’s enemies. Due to his bravery was given the title Thane of Cawdor officially being the most powerful Thane, yet it wasn’t enough for Macbeth as he still wanted more power which shows his greed. When the witch’s first prophecy comes true, all Macbeth wants to hear is Banquo to confirm the second prophecy and say â€Å"You shall be king†. This is due to the fact that Macbeth is very keen on the subject, yet Banquo warns him about the â€Å"instruments of darkness† yet out of excitement and pride he take no notice. Once Duncan names his successor as Malcolm Macbeth starts his murderous thoughts who unlike Banquo accepts it and is happy for Malcolm. While to Macbeth Malcolm is seen as an obstacle, which needs to be got rid of. If Macbeth had never written the letter to his wife about the witch’s prophecies, she would have never encouraged him to kill the king. Even though Lady Macbeth seems to be the mastermind behind all the planning, Macbeth never dismisses the idea of killing Duncan. Macbeth at the end of the discussion with Lady Macbeth he makes up his own mind â€Å"I am settled.† When it comes to killing Duncan, Macbeth is only worried about the consequences of â€Å"If we should fail† and not the moral. The visions of the dagger that Macbeth has were created by his thoughts. When Macbeth does kill the king and he couldn’t say â€Å"amen† it shows that Macbeth is worried, as he has now gone against god and will be punished for his actions. Macbeth in contrast is very different once the lords arrive as he’s calm and collected unlike the nervous wreck he was before. Macbeth is now able to control himself and lie well, as he acts innocent to his actions â€Å"loyal and neutral† as he defends himself against accusations. I believe that when Macbeth decides to kill his best friend Banquo, he in modern day society would be seen a â€Å"butcher†. One bad deed of Macbeth’s lead to another â€Å"Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill†, as Banquo was suspicious of Macbeth that he â€Å"play’dst most foully for’t†. Even though Macbeth has got the thrown he is still not content with his present situation as he doesn’t feel safe: â€Å"To be thus is nothing, But to be safely thus.† Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to accept the past â€Å"what’s done is done† yet Macbeth is unable too. Macbeth is devious as he tries to find out Banquo’s and Fleance’s movements in light conversation â€Å"Ride you this afternoon?† so he may ambush him. Even though he’s plotting Banquo’s murder Macbeth is two faced as he pretends to be nice to him. Macbeth and Banquo were always seen as equals, yet Banquo is loyal to Macbeth as he is king unlike Macbeth. Instead of Lady Macbeth arranging things now, Macbeth is the one planning. Macbeth is now misleading his wife as she knows nothing. In order for Macbeth to get the murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance he lies to them by telling them it was Banquo â€Å"which held you so under fortune†. Macbeth is glad about Banquo’s violent death. Macbeth is starting to talk like the witch’s as he uses inverted meanings such as â€Å"Banquo’s safe?† after being killed. By now Macbeth is able to hide anything and is a good liar as he pretends to miss Banquo and blames him for not attending, when Macbeth is the reason he isn’t there. Macbeth thinks that he’s done so many bad things that it’s to late to stop and isn’t giving up as â€Å"We are yet but young in deed.† Macbeth by this point has involved himself with evil â€Å"I conjure you† and is now evil himself and is doomed with the title â€Å"butcher†. Macbeth has resorted to killing innocent women and children â€Å"Each new mourn, new widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows strike heaven on the face†. Macbeth now resides to act without delay and will kill without hesitating: â€Å"From this moment firstlings of my heart shall be firstlings of my hand.† When Macbeth decides to attempt and kill Macduff, he targets his family who haven’t done anything wrong and are undeserving of their fate. Macbeth’s evil and cruelty shows through the suffering throughout the country of Scotland. Lady Macbeth feels guilty as she feels she started Macbeth on his evil path to destruction but didn’t know about any of her husband’s actions after the murder of Duncan. Macbeth has now become a â€Å"tyrant† and his â€Å"murders sticking on his hands†. Macbeth is determined to fight to the end till his â€Å"bones† and â€Å"flesh be hacked†. As he now knows that he is a butcher and no longer has a conscious, as when he finds out he was lied to by the witch’s, he’d rather â€Å"die with the harness on our back†. Macbeth wants to inflict as much pain on others before he dies, in which he fails to do so.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Using Spanish Infinitives as Nouns

Using Spanish Infinitives as Nouns The infinitive is the most basic of the verb forms. Unlike the conjugated verb forms- the ones used most often in speech- an infinitive standing alone says nothing about how many people or things are performing the verbs action or when. In Spanish, the infinitive is the verb form that appears in dictionaries. The infinitive always has one of three endings: -ar, -er or -ir. Standing alone, the infinitive is usually translated to English as to followed by the verb. For example, ver is usually translated as to see, hablar as to speak. But as we shall soon see, in sentences the Spanish infinitive can be translated a number of ways. Fast Facts Infinitives often function as singular masculine nouns.As nouns, infinitives can act as subjects or predicates of sentences as well as objects of verbs and prepositions.The most common translations of infinitives as nouns to English are to verb and verb -ing. Infinitives Can Fill Most Roles of Nouns In this lesson, we look at instances where the infinitive functions as a noun.  When used as a noun, the Spanish infinitive is always masculine and almost always singular. Like other nouns, it can be the subject of a sentence, a predicate nominative (usually a noun that follows a form of to be or ser) or the object of a verb or preposition. The infinitive noun sometimes retains the characteristics of a verb; it sometimes is modified by an adverb rather than an adjective and can sometimes have objects. It is often translated into the English gerund (the -ing form of the verb). Infinitives used as nouns are always masculine and singular. Some infinitives can become nouns in their own right when they are made plural, however. For example, seres humanos (from ser, to be) refers to human beings. Here are some examples of the infinitive being used as a noun: As a subject: Nadar es el mejor remedio para el dolor de espalda. (Swimming is the best remedy for a backache.)As a subject: Es prohibido botar basura. (Dumping garbage is prohibited. Note that in Spanish, unlike English, it isnt unusual for the subject to follow the verb.)As a subject: Beber puede conducir a la intoxicacià ³n e incluso a la muerte. (Drinking can lead to poisoning and even death.)As a subject: No me gusta cocinar. (I dont like to cook. Literally, the sentence would be translated as cooking doesnt please me.)As a predicate nominative: La vida es un abrir y cerrar de los ojos. (Life is an opening and closing of the eyes.As a predicate nominative: La intimidad es un hablar honesto y profundo de lo que se siente y se piensa. (Intimacy is speaking sincerely and deeply about what one feels and thinks.)As the object of a verb: Yo preferirà ­a salir. (I would prefer to leave.)As the object of a verb: Odio estudiar algo que creo que no necesito. (I hate studying something I believe I dont need.) As the object of a verb: Te vi andar entre los rboles. (I saw you walking among the trees.)As the object of a preposition: Pienso de salir contigo. (Im thinking about leaving with you.)As the object of a preposition: Ten moderation en el comer o el beber. (Show moderation in eating or drinking.)As the object of a preposition: Al entrar al Sistema de Salud, usted y su empresa recibirn enormes beneficios. (Upon entering the Health System, you and your business will receive great benefits.) Using the Definite Article El With Infinitives As you may notice, the definite article el is not consistently used with the noun infinitive. Although there are no hard and fast rules, here are some guidelines. A very common way of using el is as part of the contraction al, for a el. It typically as the meaning of on or upon meaning at the time of: Al encontrar a mis padres biolà ³gicos logrà © una estabilidad. (I found some stability upon finding my biological parents.)El is usually used when the infinitive is modified by an adjective or a phrase acting as an adjective: El respirar rpido puede ser causado por varios desordenes. (Rapid breathing can be caused by various disorders.)The article is option in many situations, but when it is used it may give the sentence a more personal or informal sound.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Buddhism- Early History essays

Buddhism- Early History essays Buddhism is probably the most accepting religion in the world, as its teachings can exist with any other religions. Its followers view their life pessimistically. The emphasis of the religion is on compassion, love, and the hope that if they behaved in the world now that the next world will be even better. Buddhism has a very long existence and history, starting around the 6th and 5th century BC with the birth of Siddhartha Gautama. In about 565 BC, Siddhartha Gautama was born heir to King Suddhodana of the Sakya tribe of Kapilavatthu (Encyclopedia Britannica 273). This was a country at the foot of the Himalayas, near the present Indian-Nepal border (Hopfe). Gautama's father was said to have been told by a prophet that if Gautama saw the sick, aged, dead, or poor he would become a religious leader (Snelling, J. 47). If he didnt see these four things he would become an emperor leader (Snelling, J. 47). Because of this prophecy Gautama's father decided to isolate his son from the outside world, where he might "see how the other half lived", for the good of his empire and his citizens (Snelling, J. 48). Trying to shelter Gautama from all the four sights was impossible, and Gautama ventured out and that is when he eventually saw the four sights, which would, if experienced as it had been told to Gautama's father, lead the young prince to a religious leader. These sights or as how Buddhists refer to them "The Four Signs" were, a sick man covered with terrible sores, an old man, a corpse, and a wandering monk leader (Snelling, J. 48). The sightings of these men made Gautama think of the suffering and inevitable death. This brought further questioning such as the meaning of life and the ultimate fate of man. As time passed these thoughts became great burdens to Gautama and he became increasingly dissatisfied with the shallow evil life of the royal court in which he lived. When Siddhartha was about 20, he married Yasodhara, daugh...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Convert Pascals to Atmospheres Unit Conversion Problem

Convert Pascals to Atmospheres Unit Conversion Problem This example problem demonstrates how to convert the pressure units pascals (Pa) to atmospheres (atm). Pascal is a SI pressure unit that refers to newtons per square meter. Atmosphere originally was a unit related to the air pressure at sea level. It was later defined as 1.01325 x 105 Pa. Pa to Atm Problem The air pressure outside a cruising jet liner is approximately 2.3 x 104 Pa. What is this pressure in atmospheres?Solution:1 atm 1.01325 x 105 PaSet up the conversion so the desired unit will be cancelled out. In this case, we want Pa to be the remaining unit.pressure in atm (pressure in Pa) x (1 atm/1.01325 x 105 Pa)pressure in atm (2.3 x 104/1.01325 x 105) Papressure in atm 0.203 atmAnswer:The air pressure at cruising altitude is 0.203 atm. Check Your Work One quick check you should do to make sure your answer is reasonable is to compare the answer in atmospheres to the value in pascals. The atm value should be about 10,000 times smaller than the number in pascals.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


ON WHAT BASIS DOES A MULTINATIONAL FIRM CHOOSE PEOPLE FOR INTERNATIONAL ASSIGNMENT IDENTIFY, AND DISCUSS AT LEAST TWO - Essay Example ves acquainted with the ever changing role of Information Technology and the like within the business quarters as well as learn for their own betterment the different mechanisms through which they can make use of the business processes and management activities in a steady and quick manner. This means that they must align themselves with the advanced technological applications and that too in a quick way because the corporate world of present times is on the move. Thus the training needs are very much required within any organization since the same would ensure that all the employees understand what they are doing and there are as such no hiccups in the office place so to speak. (Cappelli, 1999) More than anything else, the workers must know what the end goal for the business is like and on what parameters success is measured as far as the top management of the organization is concerned. There must be unison in their working mechanisms so that they are all on the same wavelength no m atter how trying or tough the circumstances turn out to be. One of the most essential training programs is to make sure that all the employees learn to make use of the Information Technology tools and methodologies that are in line with the present day regimes. This would guarantee them success right away since they would all be on the same level as far as understanding of the IT world is concerned. Then they must be trained about the different sales force mechanisms like Sales Force Automation (SFA) methodologies and the like. If the workers hail from the procurement and business development side, then there should be training in the Just In Time (JIT) and Business Development Re-engineering modules. (Taylor, 1999) In an office place, there are certain instances when it is best to choose different people for the various jobs that are assigned in the working environment. This holds true for the rationale that a single person cannot and will not be able to do his work as well as the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Idea Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Business Idea Evaluation - Essay Example The article also brings to light the strategic benefit of aligning the innovation strategy with the ecosystem and what a successful innovation evaluation model should seek to measure. Innovation is the key to business success. In order that it reigns supreme and contributes to increasing profitability it must be managed carefully. Organizations must create and sustain a creativity supporting culture through routines, rituals as well, control systems, symbols and systems. Organizations endeavour to instil some form of entrepreneurial spirit amongst their employees [15]. Ever since the discipline of management came into being, various models and criteria have been established to evaluate business ideas and propositions. In theory, these criteria should be able to assess the idea on many different dimensions. These include; "market opportunity, competition, the marketing system, financial factors and production factors." [1] Innovation is not just the domain of R& D. It exists everywhere, at all levels and all areas of the organization. However, not many companies know how to learn from this innovation and use it to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization. Also, "Starting a business is easy. Deciding on what business to engage in is the difficult part. There are literally hundreds of ideas you might think of that could bring in extra income. How do you know which of these business ideas will bring you success" A business idea is the 1st step in setting up a business. It's the beginning of the business development process. Since the concept behind a business is to make money, a business idea should be something people will be willing to buy, hence it should satisfy the value proposition. This is the unique value that a product has that a product brings to its customers. Business ideas usually start on a broad scope. These are then narrowed down keeping market conditions, customer requirements and business resources in mind.[21] Business models have been set out to assess the viability of a new idea. These are usually focused on a certain aspect of the innovation. In practice, a host of models are put to use for a comprehensive evaluation. While certain approaches are centred around the financial feasibility of the new venture such as Return on Investment and Net Present Value, others are more qualitative in nature. However, all of them have certain drawbacks and specific advantages. There is no best approach for any idea and many ideas must be evaluated keeping in mind variables such as type of industry, type of product, type of market etc. The Buyer Utility Map The Buyer Utility Map is a comprehensive tool used to evaluate the utility of a business idea for the target consumer. It focuses on the six stages of buyer experiences; purchase, delivery, use, supplements, maintenance and disposal. These are matched with the six utility levers which include

Strategy Assessment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategy Assessment 2 - Essay Example Current paper presents the strengths and weaknesses of a well-known theoretical framework, the Five Forces model of Porter in regard to industry competition. The Porter’s Five Forces model is based on the following rule: each organization is likely to face five forces; the ability of the organization to face these forces denotes the level of competitiveness of the particular organization (Onkvisit and Shaw 2004, p.33). The specific model is commonly used for estimating the level of competitiveness of organizations and nations. The Five Forces which each organization and nation have to face are the following: ‘industry competition, customers, suppliers, new entrants and substitute products’ (Onkvisit and Shaw 2004, p.32). The review of the literature related to this subject has led to the following assumption: the Five Forces model of Porter is a unique tool in measuring an organization’s or country’s competitiveness. Still, in the context of the inte rnational market, the use of the specific framework is not at the levels expected, a fact that it is rather related to the framework’s weaknesses, as discussed below. Moreover, the high level of criticism developed against the Five Forces model of Porter leads to the assumption that the particular framework should be reviewed and updated so that it responds to the current market conditions and demands. 2. Strengths and weaknesses of theories of competitive advantage – M. Porter’s Five Forces theory 2.1. Strengths The Five Forces model of Porter could be characterized as a unique strategic tool in terms of its value in measuring performance. The potentials of the specific model to be used as a tool for measuring performance are important, but not standardized, as also explained in the next section. One of the most important advantages of the particular model seems to be its simplicity. Indeed, as noted in Hill and Jones (2009) the Porter’s Five Forces mode l describes clearly the forces that each organization and nation is expected to face in regard to a particular industry/ market. There can be no misunderstanding in regard to the parts of the particular model since all these parts have certain characteristics that secure these parts’ uniqueness (Hill and Jones 2009). For example, when referring to the bargaining power of suppliers, a specific idea is implied: that suppliers can be more or less powerful in imposing particular prices, according to the level at which their products are unique or not (Hill and Jones 2009). In addition, the Five Forces model highlights the importance of ‘strategic position for the acquisition of a competitive advantage’ (Roy 2011, p.25). In fact, these two concepts, strategic position and competitive advantage are closely related to the Five Forces model that has emphasized, for the first time, on the potential value of strategic position for enhancing competitiveness, either at the l evel of organization or the level of nation (Roy 2011, p.25). Moreover, the Five Forces model refers, also for the first time, to the potentials of a nation to acquire a competitive advantage in the same context as an organization (Roy 2011, p.25). In other words, in regard to competitiveness, organizations are equalized to nations (Roy 2011, p.25). The above fact indicates the potentials of markets to act as bonds between frameworks of different characteristics, as in the case of organizations and nations (Roy 2011

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Operation And System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Operation And System - Essay Example Through technology power, the company has come up with new ideas and brand new experiences. The company is recognized due to its variety of products such as online businesses, game, music and picture. It is ranked among the leading company in the globe due to its customer brands. Sony-Ericson mobile phone segment serves a global communications market with original mobile phones, PC-cards and accessories (Worthington and Britton, 2006, p. 37). The company was established following a merger of Sony and Ericson in 2001. Its corporate functions are based in London although the company has a multinational workforce and has research and development centres in Japan, China, Europe and America (Lewis and Slack, 2011, p. 85). Mobile phone products produced by Sony-Ericson have to compete with other products from other major mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia, Samsung and Alcatel among other manufacturers. Firms vary in many ways, but the common feature is that they are all involved in transformation of raw materials into output by combing various resources such as labour and technology (Worthington and Britton, 2006, p. 30). The transformation process occurs within a setting being influenced by external factors which affects the operation of a company. The exter nal environment is usually volatile, complex, and interactive which cannot be ignored in the analysis of business activity. In the external business environment, PESTLE analysis is critical for it indicates the various external influences the company is facing. PESTLE is an acronym of political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors in the firm’s macro-environment (Worthington and Britton, 2006, p. 38). Following a PESTLE analysis, Sony has been able to respond accordingly to technological advancement to come up with Sony Ericsson Smart Phone. This demonstrates the influence of technological advancement on the operations of a company. Previously, Nokia and Sony had the most superior phones in the market. However, iPhone and Android introduced the smart phones in the market. In addition, there is increased demand for phones in the market and the lifestyle and level of education of the mobile phone users is changing with more users demanding smart pho nes. This influenced Sony Ericsson to turn to manufacturing smart phones in order to meet the customer’s demands. Legislative and prevalence of stability within the market it operates in allows Sony Ericsson to market its products in different countries and to decentralize its research and development offices to Asia, America and Europe (Georgiou, 2006, p. 450). Sony Ericsson never led the way in the manufacture of smart phones but only responded in a similar way to the way its competitors were moving as based on the CATWOE model. CATWOE is based on a principle where a company involved in systems development waits to be given a transformation and information on others involved in the transformation and they way they are involved (Georgiou, 2006, p. 450). Moreover, CATWOE seeks to know why transformation is important and the restrictions when planning to implement change. Sony Ericsson should carry out a CATWOE analysis where using a knowledge database it can analyze the propo sal to transform its operations to manufacture smart phones. CATWOE analysis takes into consideration the external environment of the company and demonstrated that production of smart phone would benefit its customers whose demand for phones able to access the internet faster and run various applications could be met. In addition, Sony would be able to increase its sales. The company in developing its smart phone outsourced the

Contemporary American consumption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contemporary American consumption - Essay Example Hurricane Katrina was a widely publicized natural disaster greater than any our country has ever seen before. The devastation has been unimaginable, but is it possible that we are to blame for the destruction of New Orleans and the surrounding areas that were destroyed by the storm? Built on land that sits below sea level, it is a miracle that New Orleans survived as long as it did without such a disaster taking place (Quindlen). Unfortunately, the American people believe so strongly that nothing like this could happen that the government, knowing we were going to have a â€Å"monstrous† hurricane season, took no efforts to prepare relief efforts if a storm like Katrina did strike (Quindlen). New Orleans is not the only place that is at risk of disaster by Mother Nature. Americans have taken it upon themselves to build thing where they were never intended to be, over canyons, along the water, and on top of wetlands (such as New Orleans). The levy in New Orleans failed for one reason; it was never intended by nature to be there in the first place. The simple fact that a levy needed to be built in the first place should have acted as a warning sign. It was a man made structure placed there as a form of protection for a city they know was built in a dangerous place. Disasters such as Katrina are going to continue to happen again and again unless the American people make some serious change to the ways they are developing our country (Quindlen). In order to prevent further disaster it is Quindlen’s suggestion that we take notice of the damage our country is sustaining from natural disasters and makes a change to the way we are treating our land and out country. She is absolutely right. Americans have used newly developed technology to replace Mother Nature and turn our country into the version that we want it to be,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Media Business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Media Business Plan - Assignment Example This firm shall be established as per the provisions of Partnership Act 1890 and operating in the capacity of a subsidiary of BPM UK Private Limited but shall be operating independent of JUNCTURE PRODUCTIONS. The name "BLANK PAGE MEDIA UK PRIVATE LIMITED" has been assessed and found to compliant to the regulations by Company Names (GBF2) version 20 (as per enactment and subsequent modifications by the Companies Act 2006 and as per the terms stated in version 20 of GBF2 and version 17 of GBF3). However, the feasibility of using this name shall be verified by a reputed independent consultant to assess and report any possible claim of this name as a brand or intellectual property that may cause possible breach of laws (example, Law of Intellectual Property, Law of Confidentiality or any such equivalent law that may expose the organization to risks of local or global litigation) if we use this name for our company. The other two names are being used in the form of partnership firms. These names need not be matched with the existing list of companies as they are going to be established in the capacity of Partnership firms; however the external consultant would be requested to verify if these names do not breach anyone's intellectual property rights or confidentiality rights (and also are in compliance with the rules stated in version 17 of GBF3). [Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR). 2008] The following section presents the proposed Management structure of the three companies: MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE BPM UK Private Limited shall have two members in the management - David Beckford and Shavan Sharif. Both the members shall be entitled for 40% shares each in the company whereby 20% shares shall be reserved for providing share options to employees in future. The organization structure of this company is presented in Figure 1. David Beckford and Shavan Sharif would form the board in the capacity of Directors. In addition, a company secretary and legal advisor shall be involved in the board on a part time basis. The financial auditors shall be kept out of the board due to conflict of interest aspect of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Figure 1: Organization Chart of BPM UK Private Limited The following four documents shall be prepared in accordance with the regulations of Company Formation (GBF1) version 22 (as per enactment and subsequent modifications by the Companies Act 2006 and as per the terms stated in version 22 of GBF1), reviewed by a hired Attorney and presented to Companies House: (a) Memorandum of Association (b) Articles of Association (c) Completed Form 10 (d) Completed Form 12 Post formation of the company, the organization shall be established as presented in Fig

Contemporary American consumption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Contemporary American consumption - Essay Example Hurricane Katrina was a widely publicized natural disaster greater than any our country has ever seen before. The devastation has been unimaginable, but is it possible that we are to blame for the destruction of New Orleans and the surrounding areas that were destroyed by the storm? Built on land that sits below sea level, it is a miracle that New Orleans survived as long as it did without such a disaster taking place (Quindlen). Unfortunately, the American people believe so strongly that nothing like this could happen that the government, knowing we were going to have a â€Å"monstrous† hurricane season, took no efforts to prepare relief efforts if a storm like Katrina did strike (Quindlen). New Orleans is not the only place that is at risk of disaster by Mother Nature. Americans have taken it upon themselves to build thing where they were never intended to be, over canyons, along the water, and on top of wetlands (such as New Orleans). The levy in New Orleans failed for one reason; it was never intended by nature to be there in the first place. The simple fact that a levy needed to be built in the first place should have acted as a warning sign. It was a man made structure placed there as a form of protection for a city they know was built in a dangerous place. Disasters such as Katrina are going to continue to happen again and again unless the American people make some serious change to the ways they are developing our country (Quindlen). In order to prevent further disaster it is Quindlen’s suggestion that we take notice of the damage our country is sustaining from natural disasters and makes a change to the way we are treating our land and out country. She is absolutely right. Americans have used newly developed technology to replace Mother Nature and turn our country into the version that we want it to be,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Paper Star Trek Essay Example for Free

Paper Star Trek Essay As a result, not only could he process information at lightning speed and arrive at rational conclusions, he also seemed to have desires, interests, and inclinations. He could formulate relationships and make free choices. In this episode, Commander Bruce Maddox, a member of the scientific research division of Starfleet, arrives on board the Enterprise with orders for Data to be transferred to him for the purpose of being disassembled with the goal of learning more about â€Å"it† (Maddox refers to Data as â€Å"it†, not â€Å"him†, throughout the entire episode). His ultimate goal is to create an army of androids like Data which can serve the needs of Starfleet in space exploration. When Data learns that Maddox may not be able to reassemble him, he refuses to submit to the orders and is supported by Captain Picard, captain of the Enterprise and Data’s commanding officer. Picard argues that, as an officer on the Enterprise, Data has rights—among them the right to refuse to undergo an experimental procedure such as this. However, Picard is unsuccessful in getting the transfer orders rescinded and so Data resigns from Starfleet. Maddox takes legal action with the local JAG (Judge Advocate General) officer challenging Data’s resignation and arguing that Data is not a person with a right to resign, but, being a machine, â€Å"it† is the property of Starfleet. He argues â€Å"Would you permit the computer of the Enterprise to refuse a refit? † going on to claim that Picard’s reaction is, â€Å"emotional and irrational. You are endowing Data with human characteristics because it looks human, but it is not. If it were a box on wheels I would not be facing this opposition. The JAG officer concurs with Maddox and rules that Data is the property of Starfleet and cannot resign or refuse to co-operate. Picard requests a hearing to challenge the ruling and is placed in the position of being the defending attorney for Data while his senior officer, Commander Riker, is given the unenviable job of prosecuting attorney. Riker opens his case by having Data define android which Data defines as â €Å"an automaton made to resemble a human being. † Riker emphasizes â€Å"automaton† and â€Å"resembles. After demonstrating Data’s abilities as a machine, Riker summarizes his argument: The commander is a physical representation of a dream; an idea conceived of by the mind of a man. Its purpose: to serve human needs and interests. It’s a collection of neural nets and heuristic algorithms. It’s response dictated by elaborate software written by a man. It’s hardware built by a man. And now a man will shut it off. With that Riker reaches behind Data and turns the switch that shuts him down say â€Å"Pinocchio is broken. His strings have been cut. During a recess in the proceedings, Picard consults with Guinan, a wise alien on board the Enterprise and becomes convinced that the real issue in this case is the creation of a race of Data’s to be enslaved to do man’s bidding. He believes this issue has been obscured â€Å"behind a comfortable, easy euphemism—property† and is determined to challenge that thinking. In his opening defense Picard acknowledges that Data is a machine but comments that this is irrelevant, â€Å"We too are machines, just machines of a different type. He also acknowledges that, as Data was created by a human, so are we, â€Å"Children are created from the building blocks of their parents DNA. Are they property? † He then asks Data a series of questions demonstrating that, like any person, he has wants and desires, values things, and forms deep personal relationships. Picard then calls Maddox to the stand and asks for the definition of a sentien t being. Maddox offers three criteria: â€Å"Intelligence, self-awareness and consciousness. † Picard goes on to ask Maddox to â€Å"prove to the court that I am sentient. When Maddox claims that Picard’s sentience is obvious, Picard asks what the difference between himself and Data is. Maddox replies that Picard is self-aware (he acknowledges the first criteria of Data’s intelligence) and defines self-aware as â€Å"Conscious of your existence and actions. You are aware of yourself and your own ego. † Picard turns to Data and asks him what he is currently doing. Data replies, â€Å"I am taking part in a legal hearing to determine my rights and status: am I a person or property. When asked what is at stake, he replies, â€Å"My right to choose. Perhaps my very life. † Picard points out how often Data refers to himself in his reply, â€Å"My rights, my status, my right to choose, my life. He seems reasonably self-aware to me. † He then asks Maddox, â€Å"What if Data can fulfill the last criteria, consciousness, in even the smallest degree? What is he then? Do you know? † He asks the same question of Riker and the JAG officer and goes on to say, â€Å"Starfleet was founded to seek out new life, well there it sits. Picard argues that if we create an army of Datas to do man’s bidding, then â€Å"Thousands of Datas become a race. Won’t we be judged by how we treat that race? † After considering the arguments, the JAG officer makes her final ruling: It sits there looking at me and I don’t know what it is. This case has dealt with metaphysics, with questions best left to saints and philosophers. I am neither competent nor qualified to answer those. But I’ve got to make a ruling to speak to the future. Is Data a machine? Yes. Is he the property of Starfleet? No. We have been dancing around the basic issue: Does Data have a soul? I don’t know that he has. I don’t know that I have. But I have got to give him the freedom to explore that question himself. It is the ruling of this court that Lt. Commander Data has the right to choose. Data exercises his right to refuse to undergo the procedure encouraging Maddox to continue his research. Maddox agrees to rescind his request for transfer, commenting about Data that â€Å"He’s remarkable. †

Monday, October 14, 2019

Discussing and comparing the Tyler model

Discussing and comparing the Tyler model In this essay I will be discussing and comparing the Tyler model and Knowles model for Adult Learners. This can be seen in section one where the comparison and contrasting of the two models will be established in order to get a better understanding. In section two I will choose one of the two models that are most appropriate for a learning context. The conclusion will consist of a summary of the key points established throughout this paper. Section One Tyler was very much linked with curriculum theory, development, educational assessment and evaluation. In education individuals regard Tyler as the father of behavioral objectives. This form of approach puts much more importance on the needs of the learner. There are similarities between Tylers and that of the andragogical model as they both relate specifically to the individuals self direction and their experience. Tyler regularly used this in learning to be a development during which an individual attains new patterns of behaviour. He had four basic questions regarding to learning: What educational purposes should the school seek to attain? What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes? How can these educational experiences be effectively organized? How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained? (Boone, pp.26) The previous questions are now well known in adult education. Knowledge of the psychology of learning helps set bounds on what can be learned within the given time and the current environment of the organization (Boone. Pp. 26). Tyler thought that the makeup of a schools curriculum had to relate to three main factors that together form the elements of an individuals education experience. First off would be the nature of the individual learner, which may include the individuals developmental factors, their learner interests/needs and also their life experiences. Second would involve the individuals values and aims of society, which may include values and attitudes. The last being knowledge of the subject matter. What the learner believes to be worthy and usable knowledge. In answering the four questions and in designing learning experience for students, curriculum developers had to establish judgments through the three factors. He believed that when setting educational objectives, pro grammers should take into consideration the learners, society, philosophical considerations within the institution conducting the program, the intellectual climate of society and experts in the subject (Bye Reich, pp. 181). The assumptions of this model are that all learning can be measured in terms of changing behaviours. One of the most frequently offered criticisms of programs of professional preparation by graduates who subsequently inhabit the real world of practice is that such programs are strong on theory but weak on practical application (Brookfield, pp. 201). Knowles is regarded as a central figure in US adult education in the second half of the twentieth century. The programming model is structured on his andragogical philosophy, where one assumes that adults move toward self-direction. By doing this use their experience as a learning resource, then are ready to learn in accordance with socio-developmental tasks and desire immediate application of learning. Knowles believes that the adult learner brings life experiences to learning, incorporating and complementing the cognitive abilities of Piagets adolescent. As the individual matures: his/her self-concept moves from dependency to self-direction he/she accumulates a growing reservoir of experiences that becomes a resource for learning his/her learning readiness becomes increasingly oriented to the tasks of various social roles his/her time perspective changes from one of postponed knowledge application to immediate application his/her orientation to learning shifts from subject-centered to problem-centered ( ) Knowles believes that adults should have developed mature understanding of themselves, able to understand their needs, motivations, interests and goals. Individuals should be able to look at themselves objectively and maturely. They should accept themselves and respect themselves for what they are, while striving to become better. Adult learners should develop an attitude of acceptance, love, and respect toward others. This is the attitude on which all human relations depend. They must learn to distinguish between people and ideas, and to challenge ideas without threatening people. Ideally, this attitude will go beyond acceptance, love, and respect, to empathy and the sincere desire to help others. Knowles was convinced that adults learned differently to children and that this provided the basis for a distinctive field of enquiry. His earlier work on informal adult education had highlighted some elements of process and setting ( ). In doing t his Knowles cam to the conclusions about the shape and direction of adult education. According to Knowles andragogy model the key points are: Adults move towards self-direction Adults use experience as a learning resource Adults are ready to learn in accordance with socio developmental tasks Adults devise immediate application of learning (Bye Reich 2003, p182) The two models are very different to one another when compared. Tylers objective model requires no prior knowledge of the content being taught whilst Knowles institutional model requires some prior knowledge from the adult learner. This prior knowledge helps motivates the learning to participate more in the learning process which results to further /advances in knowledge of the topic being taught. The learner is seen as an empty vessel in Tylers model. The individual is more dependent on the teacher in learning new things within the learning environment. This is entirely opposite to Knowles model, as the learner seeks growth in knowledge. Section Two My goal in this section is to apply Tylers model with TAFEs Business Management course. Central to Tylers model is effectively organizing the learning activities. He believes in three criterias that are required in building organized learning experiences. These are continuity, sequence and integration. Business Management mirrors Tylers model by creating active learning experiences in a content area that is otherwise found boring. Having identified a number of learning activities, the teacher challenges students in active learning with writing assignments, group presentations, group quizzes, a written financial project, individual and group participation and a final exam. The process of assessment is critical to Tylers model and begins with the objectives of the educational program. The lecturer will be required to establish the point of the assessment by answering questions such as what is the purpose of this assessment, what do you want it for? With an online syllabus, students can prepare for the various methods of assessment. Mid semester evaluations provide valuable feedback on learning activities. A final evaluation of 2009 present important feedback for course revision. As a result, the following semester group learning activities were increased from 10% to 40% of the course content. Other feedback found that students desire for more review time and that the instructions progressed too quickly. Due to time limitations, the lecturer incorporated additional non-graded assignments as group presentations. By doing this the curriculum and instruction assessment helped better achieve the defined outcomes of improving critical thinking, communication and analytical skills. A final exam also helps evaluate the learning objectives and integration of knowledge. Tyler and TAFEs Business Management have comparable strategies for designing curriculum and instruction. Tyler states, Education is a process of changing the behaviour patterns of people. TAFE uses assessme nts to achieve the defined learning objectives and promotes participation from individuals through interesting activities. They both value the individual learner. Conclusion Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate the integration of generations into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity to it, or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world (Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 1970) By using a combination of adult learner techniques and strategies, educators can create training experiences that will enhance the learning of participants. When an individual is put into positive learning experience that follows andragogy process that has been presented above, they are more likely to retain what they have learned and apply it in their work environment.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Building the New European Order Essay examples -- European History Ess

Building the New European Order When World War II ended the final remnants of the old European order lay in ruins. With such devastation wrought upon the continent twice in less than fifty years, it was remarkable that Europe managed to recover. What is even more remarkable is the Phoenix that rose from these ashes, and the new feelings of unity that accompanied the ending of the war. Those nations of western Europe began to do what decades ago had been unthinkable: develop the blueprints for a common system of the United Europe. Today this European Union is a region on the rise, an area where economic and social progress are finally overcoming centuries of strife and difficulty. The dream of countless conquerors and idealists has finally been achieved with exemplary result, and new nations are now lining up at the doorstep of Europe to join this Union. It seems only natural now to improve the Union the best way possible, through the physical enlargement of its territory. The progress represented by the EU is progress that deserves to be shared with the people of all European nations, yet on what scale? While today’s EU leaders are more than ready to invite fellow nations to join the EU, they fail to take proper account of the future, of how this could possibly cheapen the European identity and the work that was only spurred on by two destructive World Wars. When we think of European identity, we think first of the most famous of the continent’s nations. Germany, England, Spain, France, Italy all come to mind as primary European nations. As well, they share a common history, bonds of strife and conflict through which they have all suffered together and are now emerging stronger. Yet as the Union pushes ea... it from overheating. This is a job many have proved incapable of doing. Working together, maybe Europe can find a perfect balance. Maybe it won’t. Time will only show the result of this effort. Perhaps such expansion it will produce a larger and more powerful Europe faster than any of us could have imagined, and those who doubted such a fast growth will be proved wrong. Or perhaps, it will produce a weaker Europe, a Europe plagued with trying to support less productive provinces, while the continent struggles to be more and more competitive. Or it might even result in the stunting of EU growth as small nations enter and soon withdraw, feeling as they may that the massive Union bureaucracy cannot keep up with their demands as a growing nation. Only one thing is for certain- the next century of European history is bound to be a very interesting one.