Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Should Abortion Be Legal - 1823 Words

The subject of abortion is a controversial one that has been debated for years. Some people believe that it is immoral and unsafe, yet others believe abortions give women choice. As a young adult woman who has never given birth, I understand both sides of the argument, yet I argue that the risks of abortions outweigh the benefit of them. I argue that abortions should be illegal. Mothers should not be able to decide whether or not a baby gets a chance to live or not. In my opinion, babies and adults, no matter the age, should have the right to live no matter the condition. I believe that other people should not be able to choose if another human being lives or dies. According to Abortion ProCon.org, personhood begins at conception,†¦show more content†¦According to the cover story, â€Å"The Feminist Case Against Abortion†, it is stated that in all forms of abortions, it has masked-rather than solve-the problems women face. Motherhood could be what a mother makes i t out to be. Either the parent can love the child and enjoy their time as a mother to one of God s wonderful blessings or they can simply regret the presence or thought of a child. â€Å"The Feminist Case Against Abortion,† also states that abortions are failed experiments on women. I agree with this cover story as to why celebrate failure? In a personal opinion, motherhood is an event someone can cherish and make memories while doing for forever. I believe that if a woman is considering to have an abortion done, she should ask around to other mothers about motherhood and I could guarantee they would not trade that special event for anything in the World. I believe that these women considering having the procedure of an abortion done may need to do some research on how it is done. These women need to know that the abortion procedure is very cruel and inhumane. I simply do not understand how anyone in the World could put an innocent baby through the cruel event of an abortion. According to http://www.youroptions.com/abortion/ the procedure that is done by the doctor is according to how far long the mother is. During a trimester aspiration abortion, meaning the mother is four to seven weeks pregnant, the doctors are able to give mothers local anesthesia.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Diana in the Docks Free Essays

Diana In the Dock : does privacy matter? ‘Diana’ as used in the title is referring to the Former Princess of Wales ‘Princess Diana’. In November 1993 The mirror newspaper published photos of ‘princess Diana’ while she was working out at a gym. These photo’s were taken out of consent by Diana by the Gym owner Bryce Taylor who was paid over 100,000 pounds for the photos . We will write a custom essay sample on Diana in the Docks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thus Princess Did had his assets frozen and sued him. Due to the fact Bryce Taylor was broke he seeded legal aid where he was provided with Geoffrey Robertson o defend him. Robertson describes this case through the use of a paradox in the opening paragraph â€Å"Diana had been the victim of a dirty trick which provided windfall profits to undeserving people† these undeserving people being ‘Bryce Taylor’ and the mirror magazine. Donna’s perspective is that her privacy was breached for common greed of monetary benefits by that of Bryce Taylor. However, Ironically for Bryce Taylor benefit his legal aid, lawyer Geoffrey Robertson â€Å"was the tutor of a textbook that analyses and deplored that absence of any privacy law In Britain† which represents to the reader Robertson’s extents knowledge within the topic of privacy, Wealth Robertson’s defense of Bryce Taylor he states when Diana places her self in the gym â€Å"It was like working out in a shop window† representing that her privacy was automatically violated and she’s â€Å"nonetheless been inviting It to happen†. Thus puts us in a position to view Diana as someone who manipulates the Edie in order to suit her own ends. Robertson also states her relationship with the media as ‘a Faustian bargain’ which refers to the story of Faust who sells his soul to the devil in order to gain greater power. This again supports Robertson’s use of the disjunction of ‘bur In â€Å"but Diana wanted privacy only when It suited her†. Nonetheless as Robertson describes Donna’s relationship with the media as ‘ a Faustian bargain’ It shows that Diana had to sell her soul to the media in order to main good publicity and power. This is significantly supported by Robertson use of the metaphor In the concluding paragraph † In 1997 Diana was killed fleeing the flashbulbs† which has Robertson positions us to see Diana as someone who seeded the attention of the media and as this back fired she tried to ‘flee’ where the consequence became death. Just like that of Faust who sold his soul to the devil , regretted it and was sent to hell. Therefore Robertson believes It’s her own fault for her lack of privacy. How to cite Diana in the Docks, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Impact of Information Technology on Media for TFO - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theImpact of Information Technology on Media for TFO. Answer: Introduction Information technology is becoming the most crucial part of everydays life of people in general and since media is a big part of IT, impact of IT on media industry is huge. There are so many digital technologies that are changing the face of the media industries for better. There are collective efforts where the whole reaffirmation is done from so many sources and also the skill plays a vital role. The overall discussion in reality become a method to be more clear about media industry and it is also under the impact of IT and everything related to it. The overall expectations from the services are infinite which also generated by technology because there is no specific horizon or there is no one who is actually waiting to take a ride as well as solve problems of changes in media (Sigala and Chalkiti, 2014). This also based on the basic review of what can be taken place in the present and technology revolution in this industry. Group Media TFO The report will discuss in detail about Groupe Media TFO which is actually public media company created by government of the Canada. The company is mainly into producing as well as distributing French based content on education which is made available on varied platform including TFO channel on television along with TFO education and diverse YouTube channels. The company also able to manage the TV channels along with two hundred plus websites with more than twenty more applications and games, and multiple subscriptions platforms in addition to fourteen social media websites. There are educations and youth based content featured on all the platforms and the company also produces as well as broadcast regional and culture based programs related to current affair for adult people (Sigala and Chalkiti, 2014). The company is a feature French language on all the platforms along with multimedia network is based in Canada and headquarter is in Quebec. Need of IT in Group Media TFO The foundation of introducing digitization is always related to move slightly away from the tools which are entirely based on work. There are many types of editing as well related to video as well audio that can be done on the laptop of reporter at any given time. Lighting and sound support plays a very important and integral part in the media company especially channels showcasing news and other content. Any studio can comfortably transform a big desktop which is primarily called as Parkervision (Choy et al., 2014). This is needed for on switcher and the rest of the content can easily be automated. It is also easy to utilize digital tools and this further leads to different kinds of expectations related to on how people work and the job titles can blur with the job descriptions. There are editors as well with other video primarily based on journalists with diverse network and it is also crucial to be clear about the titles of the job that can be changed with the fact and many employ ees in industry are working on a ranges of technical work along with foundation work. Like for example, there are employees in press based companies who are expected to file news besides voice related reports for different kind of radio based clients and also there are times when shooting video become a crucial process. There are specific examples where work can easily be done on internet and the growth is there in various platforms as well as departments that have actually not made from different amount of loss for number of work (Matzler et al., 2015). Significance of IT Group Media TFO In last so many years almost in last two decades, technology has transformed the way people interact with each other and there are also changes in the way people uses internet for multiple purposes like shopping, researching data on specific topic and manners in which business work. In the current time, technology has further become the focal point for accomplishing success of many corporations and at the same time it also covers various aspects like security and marketing and many other business functions. The overall participation of IT is also very crucial in organization in the present time with all types and sizes of organization. It is also based on creating so many options and opportunities for the company. There are very less methods in the present technology that are changing the present face of modern business world and technology further has make it simple and process of communication has transformed the way companies work (Ainin et al., 2015). For instance in business, IT is actually works like a key for influential external and internal communication. Requirement of IT in Group Media TFO There are different kinds of expectations which are transforming the way people can really think in a day and as wire based services provider which also broadcast content, everything is about a minute or a second. Also in addition, technology is also making it faster and gone is the time when the total deadline which is between twelve in noon to five in the evening. In the current time, the expectations are based on file as well as print from diverse kind of platform. It is always about getting the new adopting the right kind technology as soon as possible (Zeng and Gerritsen, 2014). The overall pressure is based on beating the other types of content or broadcasting services is based on internet. Methods to utilize IT in Group Media TFO The best example for the same is related to how methods based on digitization that have given an infinity capability of immediate that comes again with so many methods. All the employees has become more swift and agile while releasing along with pumping the work in the form of content from different angles and subjects related to finance and other subjects. Company like Group Media TFO should be based on forming all the strategies specifically producing it live or similar kind of content (Coroama et al., 2015). Advantaged of IT in Group Media TFO Group Media TFO as discussed is a broadcast education and many similar kinds of content on different platform and it is also crucial for its overall usage in social media in general which has become a strong medium to connect so many ways people work in right manner. It can be connected with number of external sources which are discussed in detail above and marketing many similar channels are done on number of digital platforms. Group Media TFO is all about communication and technology and it is an integral part of the company because it assists many functions like marketing and many other functions (Jung et al., 2013). The concept of market in the present time, is largely based on technology which helps or supports various kinds teams in order to implement and also can easily troubleshoot many kinds of software. A talented team of IT professionals are required for the overall success of any plan in marketing which depends on the technology. The overall concept is like management of websites, SEO, handling of social media and everything which is requires specific kind of expertise with right knowledge to give consulting in any form. The whole process to accomplish actually based on simple kind of process by using software that is particularly designed to store marketing related information over a period of time. In addition, this also allows organization to adapt and plan in right manner. The overall process of technology also assists in streamlining the process of taking effective decisions and also making as per the standards (Limbu et al., 2014). There are many other kinds of ways to a track of number of different resources like finance or marketing conditions along with customer satisfaction. With a proper plan in IT, one also has to see the data in simpler perspective. This is addition m ake it more comfortable for the company to get more clarity on varied steps that one can take to make some improvement and also reach the desired goal. Risks of IT in Group Media TFO Technology is rapidly changing and the whole world is very fast in speed with ever expanding market base. It is important to understand that there are some issues as well which are rapidly creating turmoil in the current media industry and it is actually a vicious circle. The whole industry is moving in a fast direction and when anyone tries to bring innovation with the help of technology and it is also very crucial to understand the level of risks which anyone is facing and how an organization like Group Media TFO should handle it (Popescu, 2015). There is increase in activities like mergers and acquisition along with many privately owned equity based companies that introduced more speed in the market and there are organizations that are actually speaking about the issue and also start highlighting the significance of traditional art along with strategy of being a more rationale player. Maintaining and Monitoring IT in Group Media TFO There are so many methods to maintain and monitors technology in media companies like Group Media TFO. Issues and media based stories in reality is a reflection of society and it also plays a crucial role in planning the base for promotion, education and at the same time dissemination of information. In addition there are media stories that play an important role in companies to maintain an ethical structure and cordial for people to work. It is very important to be clear about the companys role since stakeholders get impacted the most in the industry which becomes an important part of non-market culture (Popescu, 2015). Conclusion There are so many advanced technologies in media industry and they are based on number of tools that assist in filing along with reporting the stories from any section of the world. There are multiple platforms that help in actually reaching the people in absolutely no time. In reality a simple video can also be digitized in absolutely no amount of time so that all the employees in the company can easily access any kind of video at any point of time as well as services like Coveritiliye. This process is based on the press conference with the assistance of cyber related space since there is no need to go to any type of conference. This is why, it become very crucial and important to ensure that specific skill at the workplace can be encouraged and valued more. It is also being based on fight against all the generic media models where everyone can do anything in the present situation (Qiu and Bu, 2013). This also impacts on getting information from any type of media based platform and it allows companies worldwide to take an effective decision. It also helps in determining the level of prices or growth of new products and it is also very important to become or represent the company as socially and ethically sound organization and also utilize to determine where one should be with the community (Qiu and Bu, 2013). Reference Ainin, S., Parveen, F., Moghavvemi, S., Jaafar, N.I. and Mohd Shuib, N.L., 2015. Factors influencing the use of social media by SMEs and its performance outcomes.Industrial Management Data Systems,115(3), pp.570-588. Choy, K.L., Gunasekaran, A., Lam, H.Y., Chow, K.H., Tsim, Y.C., Ng, T.W., Tse, Y.K. and Lu, X.A., 2014. Impact of information technology on the performance of logistics industry: the case of Hong Kong and Pearl Delta region.Journal of the operational research society,65(6), pp.904-916. Coroama, V.C., Moberg, . and Hilty, L.M., 2015. Dematerialization Through Electronic Media?. InICT Innovations for Sustainability(pp. 405-421). Springer International Publishing. Jung, H.J., Na, K.Y. and Yoon, C.H., 2013. The role of ICT in Koreas economic growth: Productivity changes across industries since the 1990s.Telecommunications Policy,37(4), pp.292-310. Limbu, Y.B., Jayachandran, C. and Babin, B.J., 2014. Does information and communication technology improve job satisfaction? The moderating role of sales technology orientation.Industrial Marketing Management,43(7), pp.1236-1245. Matzler, K., Strobl, A., Thurner, N. and Fller, J., 2015. Switching experience, customer satisfaction, and switching costs in the ICT industry.Journal of Service Management,26(1), pp.117-136. Popescu, G.H., 2015. ICTs potential in reducing GHG emissions through sustainable manufacturing technologies.Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics,3(3), pp.66-71. Qiu, J.L. and Bu, W., 2013. China ICT studies: A review of the field, 19892012.China Review,13(2), pp.123-152. Sigala, M. and Chalkiti, K., 2014. Investigating the exploitation of web 2.0 for knowledge management in the Greek tourism industry: An utilisationimportance analysis.Computers in Human Behavior,30, pp.800-812. Zeng, B. and Gerritsen, R., 2014. What do we know about social media in tourism? A review.Tourism Management Perspectives,10, pp.27-36.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Cuban Missle Crisis Essay Example For Students

The Cuban Missle Crisis Essay The world will never be the same since October of 1962. It is now known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. The U.S. learned that the Soviets were building nuclear missile bases on Cuba because the Soviets wanted to close the missile gap. Even though the Soviet Union promised they would not attempt to place nuclear weapons in Cuba, they put them there anyway in hopes that the U.S. would not find out until it was too late to do anything about it. The ploy almost worked. The nuclear bases were very near completion when a U.S. U-2 spy plane discovered the bases. The world held its breath as these events unfolded before their eyes; If any decision had have been different, it might have led to WW III. That is not a very comforting thought, knowing that we were so close to a nuclear holocaust. Many believe Kennedy made the right decision, I ! stand with that group; Others believe we should have conducted surgical strikes against the bases to show we would not tolerate a threat that close to our o wn shores. Kennedy was probably cautious about strikes because of the Bay of Pigs invasion which had failed so miserably just a year before. The Bay of Pigs invasion was an attempt by the U.S. to remove Castro from office. We armed and trained about 2000 Cuban exiles for this job. The hope was that a general uprising would begin, and Castro would be removed from office by his own people and not by any United States personnel. What cost the success of the mission was that the U.S. neglected to provide air cover for the troops. Of the 2000 troops, 300 were killed and the rest were taken prisoner. Evidently, Kennedy did not want another Bay of Pigs, so he elected to try a naval! blockade. He must have made the right choice, because we are still here today. An advantage that the U.S.S.R. had if we had not found the missile bases in time, would have been the first strike capability. This does not necessarily mean the ability to strike first, needless to say, any country can do that; It m eans the ability to strike first and disarm the opponent at the same time. If the U.S.S.R. had active nuclear missile bases in Cuba, many Americans feared that the Soviets could make an attempt take out our air bases without our even realizing it until it was too late. In being so close to the U.S. coast, they could conduct strikes against our B-52 bases virtually undetected by our radar. This would eliminate our ability to strike back at them. Even when we realized they were attacking it would be to late to do anything. With our ability to counter attack gone, the Soviets could dictate whatever policy it wanted to the U.S., and we would have no choice but to accept their terms. If we did not, we would suffer the consequences (Smoke 36). Those consequences could be very harsh and detrimental to our society. A country that has first strike capability knows that it can start a war any time it chooses. On the other hand, a country that knows that they are not capable of first strike, w ill not be as willing to start a war. This was the problem we had encountered in Cuba. We believed that the placing of Soviet missiles inside of Cubas borders would give them this first strike ability. In our eyes, that seriously endangered our national security. So we decided that we must either eliminate the threat, or have them withdraw all nuclear materials from their bases in Cuba (36-37). Richard Smoke, the author of Nuclear Arms Control: Understanding the Arms Race, sees the Soviets as a people who tried every option possible to get every advantage that they could. Khrushchev believed that putting nuclear missiles in Cuba was the most expedient way to close the missile gap with the United States. In Smokes opinion, they were willing to risk WW III in order to obtain first strike capability. As he says, the plan almost worked, but a U.S. U2 spy plane discovered the secret bases on Cuba just before they were finished (44). He states that Kennedys first choice of action was to l et the Air Force use conventional weapons to destroy the bases. Kennedy quickly and wisely, in Smokes opinion and my own, decided to use this option as an absolute last resort. Kennedys first choice of action was a public declaration that the Soviets must remove the missiles from Cuba. When that plan failed to deter the soviets, he used an alternative plan, which was a naval blockade that prevented any Soviet ships from entering Cuban waters. In Richard Smokes opinion, he made a wise decision in choosing the blockade. He supports Kennedy in every course of action that he took in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The International Relations book does not state its opinion on Kennedys actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis because it is not allowed to be biased in any way. However, it does say that his choice was good because the Soviets then had a way out without humiliating themselves. Even though the U.S.S.R. had an easy way out, it still hurt Khrushchev in his political life on the home front. He was voted out of office two years later for schemes just like this one (Roskin, Berry 93). It was later learned that there were already nuclear warheads in Cuba. Just exactly when they arrived in Cuba is undetermined, but the outcome could have been far worse than it was. I believe that even though the International Relations book does not come out and support Kennedys decisions; I think it hints that he chose the best option. Dion Brugioni, author of Eyeball to Eyeball: The Inside Story of the Cuban Missile Crisis, believes Kennedy made a wise decision in that he realized he needed counseling in a matter in which he had little experience. Bruginoi feels Kennedy did the right thing in keeping Eisenhower informed at all times. Eisenhower believed that if the U.S. acquired an accurate assessment of Soviet capabilities, it would save the taxpayers billions of dollars (Brugioni 1). Therefore Kennedy launched the U-2 spy plane that discovered the nuclear bases. Brugioni believe s Kennedy made all the right decisions, but all the reasons he made those decisions were purely political. He states that yielding to the Soviets would seriously undermine United States credibility. Also, yielding to the Soviets would have been political suicide because it would have been unacceptable to a large number of American voters (1). I believe, along with all the authors mentioned above, that Kennedy did the right thing. I have found no authors of text that disagree with Kennedys decision, and I do not believe that there are very many if any. Since there were already missiles in Cuba, a strategic attack on Cuba could have been extremely harmful to our nations health. If any one thing had been handled differently, it might have resulted in a nuclear war from which the world might never have survived. I believe strongly that if there were any mistakes made in the way we handled things, there were a very few. Their may be some mistakes Kennedy made during this time of crisis, but they are kept very well hidden from all of us. Works cited Brugioni, Dino A. Eyeball to Eyeball: The Inside story of the Cuban Missile Crisis. New York: Random House, 1991. Roskin, Michael, and Nicholas Berry. The New World of International Relations. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1996. Roskin, Michael and Nicholas Berry. An Introduction to International Relations. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1993. Smoke, Richard. Nuclear Arms Control: Understanding the Arms Race. New York: Walker and Company, 1988. .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 , .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .postImageUrl , .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 , .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0:hover , .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0:visited , .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0:active { border:0!important; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea 728198c0257edd0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0:active , .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; f ont-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0 .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1da47a9777dfa31ea728198c0257edd0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Erythormycin mechanism of action Essay We will write a custom essay on The Cuban Missle Crisis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now